Illness. It really sucks. You know what sucks worse about it?
In CO we have this fucked up thing called 'CSAP'. It's like a giant test, and it's pointless. Part of Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' bullshit. So, I took the math part on Monday, and I was absent Tuesday because I feel like I'm about to see the light. Then today, i was also sick, but I had to go to school. So I had to be stuck in this awfully small 'library confrence' room for 4 hours and do the part of the test that I missed. Then, at 1:00, they made me go back and do the part that I missed today. So, I ended up doing 2 entire CSAP sessions in ONE day, and the whole time I felt like I was going to barf up a lung.
I have a fever, and I bet I have all day. I love how everyone's just noticing these things. I need a doctor.... nevermind. Doctors are overpriced and overrated. They don't help. I'll tough it.
Good news: Sophomores still have to test tomorrow, and we don't, so I get to sleep in until 10:00. When you're sick, this is a major advantage.
Other good news: I get to miss piano again today. Don't get me wrong, I adore music, but my teacher sometimes... reminds me of, well, Hitler. I've been gone for two weeks, and she's going to pop a screw because instead of learning the 'Ann Bach' crap I was supposed to practice, I've been teaching myself 'Moonlit Sonata' by Beethoven. Much better.
If there are any typos in this post, I apologize already. I cannot think when my head feels like it weights 1000 tons.
My orchestra teach is also going to kill me because I'm missing rehersal for Pit Orchestra for Once Upon a Mattress tonight. :( Damnit, that means I also don't get to see _____________.
A nice night of rest is what I need. I think I'll go check twitter and NDP and shit now. xo
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